Pumpkin caramel ice cream, anyone? It tastes as delicious as it sounds. Plus, it is so easy to make. With no ice cream-making experience, you can make this ice cream on your own. It really is so simple. Using just 5 ingredients, you can create this unbelievably creamy ice cream in minutes. This post is all about pumpkin caramel ice cream.

When you were little, did you have a mini ice cream maker? Did you want to make tasty treats just like you bought at the local creamery or ice cream shop? I know that I always wanted to do so. I have always loved ice cream, and I am always open to trying all different flavors. With just 5 ingredients, you will be able to make this homemade ice cream in minutes.
All you need are the simple ingredients and a mixer. A KitchenAid is ideal for this recipe, but a hand mixer or immersion blender will work just the same.
All will love this ice cream, and it will be a huge hit in the fall too. Who doesn’t just love pumpkin anything? I brought this pumpkin ice cream over to my gram’s, and everyone thought it was so delicious.
This post is all about pumpkin caramel ice cream.
Table of Contents
Create this sweet and creamy pumpkin caramel ice cream easily using five ingredients. Mix this together and enjoy this delicious dessert any time of the year.
Step 1: Add Pure Pumpkin
In your KitchenAid, add in an entire can of pure pumpkin. I love Libby’s, but any brand will work too.

Step 2: Add in the Caramel
Using store-bought or homemade caramel sauce, add in a cup with pumpkin. Then, mix this on low before you add in any other ingredients.

Step 3: Add Cool Whip
Next, add an entire container (16 ounces) of Cool Whip.

Step 4: Mix Pumpkin, Caramel, & Cool Whip
Then, mix the Cool Whip in with the pumpkin and caramel. This would probably make for a great dip with apples if you stopped here. Can you imagine just dipping apple slices in pumpkin caramel whipped cream? Wow, that sounds good.

Step 5: Add in Sweetened Condensed Milk
Using any brand of milk you prefer, add in 14 ounces of sweetened condensed milk next.

Step 6: Add Heavy Whipping Cream
Now, it is time to add in your last ingredient. Pour in a pint of heavy whipping cream.

Step 7: Mix It Up
Then, mix it all together on low. It just looks and smells so amazing!
For some more ways to use your KitchenAid more often, check out this post too.

Step 8: Freeze the Mixture
Place this creamy mixture into a freezer-safe container. I placed wax paper in the container, but you could also use parchment paper.
Freeze this creamy ice cream for at least 8 hours.

Step 9: Enjoy This Pumpkin Dessert
Take this out of the freezer and enjoy this unbelievable ice cream. Top it with caramel sauce and whip cream if you prefer an extra sweet finish. Delish!

Printable Recipe for Pumpkin Caramel Ice Cream
Enjoy a Scoop or Two
Enjoy this tasty ice cream all year long. Don’t hesitate to grab a second scoop or two.
For more tasty recipes, check out this page too.
This post is all about pumpkin caramel ice cream.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,