Know how to wash toys with these easy steps. From plastic toys to those loveable stuffed animals, the toys will be clean in no time. With sticky fingers and minor colds all around, toys need a deep clean more often than not. Not to worry, you will now know how to clean these items with ease. This post is all about how to wash toys.

With so many things to clean in a home, toys are definitely one of those high-touch surfaces. With that in mind, you also want to clean toys safely too.
From this list of how to wash toys, you can use this post as a mini reference sheet when it comes time to clean the toys.
You won’t worry when your kids stick their toys in their mouth. All of those items will be clean and germ free.
This post is all about how to wash toys.
Table of Contents
How To Wash Toys
How Do I Clean and Sanitize Kids Toys?
Seventh Generation Disinfectant Spray and Wipes
With these two items by Seventh Generation, you will disinfect toys in a safe environmentally friendly way.
The Seventh Generation wipes are ideal for quickly cleaning toys. They state that there is no rinse required, even on food contact surfaces and children’s toys. This is amazing for cleaning items quickly and safely. With so many items to clean every day, a cleaning product like this is a lifesaver.
For another quick option, this spray also does not require a rinse, even on food contact surfaces and children’s toys. Again, this is great because you don’t have to worry about harmful chemical cleaners.
For more on the Seventh Generation Disinfect Spray, check out this post too.
Clean Toys in Dishwasher
Yes, you can clean toys in the dishwasher. Be sure to place the toys on the top rack of the dishwasher. Also, make sure that these are hard surface items. For instance, bath toys and plastic blocks are great in the dishwasher. They come out clean and sanitized every time.
For more ways to use your dishwasher to clean the odds and ends, check out this post too.
Sanitizing Plastic Toys
If you are still not completely comfortable using a bleach-free cleaner like the Seventh Generation cleaning products, I get it.
So if you are going the bleach route, check out this solution. According to Clorox’s site mix 1/3 cup of Clorox® Disinfecting Bleach with CLOROMAX® with 1 gallon of water. Then, soak washable, colorfast plastic toys in the solution for 6 minutes for disinfecting. Rinse off all the toys and let them dry.
How Do You Disinfect Teething Toys?
Using my favorite Dawn Antibacterial Dish Soap, soak the teethers in hot soapy water for about ten minutes. Then soak them in clean hot water for another ten minutes. Next, rinse them off and let them air dry before they get chomped on again. 🙂
Can I Wash Toys in the Washing Machine?
Yes, you can definitely use your washing machine to clean toys as well. Of course, there are some limitations. Do not stick any toys that include batteries in the washer. It would be a miracle if you stuck these toys in the washing machine and they still worked.
How To Wash Toys Using Mesh Wash Bags
When washing toys, stick them in these amazing mesh bags to make sure that they stay together and come out clean.
For more laundry cleaning tips, check out this post.

Clean Toys Anyone?
Now that the toys are clean, play on!
Enjoy watching the kiddos without the worry.
For great toy storage ideas, check out this post.
This post is all about how to wash toys.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,