Find out how to use Scrub Daddy Power Paste to clean your oven. This cleaning process is super easy, and your oven will look great in no time. I am guilty of not cleaning my oven for quite some time, and I really didn’t want to make my own cleaner. I just wanted to get this done quickly and easily. Instead of my previous oven cleaning post, I tried out this cleaning product, and I love it! This post is all about how to use Scrub Daddy Power Paste.

Cleaning can be tedious at times. When a cleaning product claims to make life easier, I am a sucker to try it out. Anything that can make any chore quicker and a little less painful is a musta must have. With so much to do in a day, you deserve to make life a little easier when you can.
With that said, I do like the steps that I posted last year for cleaning my oven, but now I may even like this Scrub Daddy Power Paste method even better. It is ten dollars, so it isn’t as cost effective to buy. However, you won’t use even a third of the tub on your oven.
While browsing the isles of Target, I ran into this paste and had to try it out. In another post, I talk about my love for the Scrub Daddy Sponge, so this paste was an easy purchase to make. I figured if the company makes one excellent cleaning product, surely they make another too.
This post is all about how to use Scrub Daddy Power Paste.
Table of Contents
How To Use Scrub Daddy Power Paste
Below is what my oven looked like prior to the cleaning process. It’s a little embarrassing to show you the inside of my oven like this, but you have to see where the process started. With so much baking and cooking, this oven has been through it, and it has been too long since it’s been cleaned.
I think the big splatters might be from some cheesy dishes. You can never have enough cheese! Yes, the paste was able to lift those right off too. Amazing!

Why Clean Your Oven?
Also, on the site, they mention that your food will taste better and your oven will increase its longevity.
Maintaining any appliance is especially useful, and your oven is one that will really benefit from a cleaning.
Step 1: Vacuum Oven
Vacuum your oven using a shop vac only. Do not vacuum the oven when it is hot or warm. It must be completely cool and off. Using a shop vac is great for getting all of those burnt off pieces that end up around the bottom edges.

Step 2: Apply Paste
The Scrub Daddy Power Paste is super easy to use, and you can find it pretty much everywhere. I picked my tub up at Target.
Using the abrasive side of the Scrub Daddy, wet the sponge, and then apply the paste and scrub down the oven. I scrubbed down the oven racks, then the inside, sides, and the door.
Honestly, I was so impressed with how much grease and grime came off with just the initial application.

Step 3: Flip the Scrub Daddy
Once, you applied the paste, flip the Scrub Daddy over to the softer side, and wipe off the entire oven again.
By the way, I did my oven racks in the sink. I used the exact same process for the racks. They looked great. They are never going to look perfect because they are older, but the sponge removed 99% of the grime.

Step 4: Wipe Everything Off With Water
Then, using a wet towel, wipe everything off to remove the cleaner. Don’t use your best towels for steps four or five because there could be some dirty and grime still hanging on when wiping it off.

Step 5: Dry It Off
Then, dry off all the surfaces, and admire your shiny oven.
Also, once you are finished using the Scrub Daddy Sponge, stick it in the dishwasher on the top rack. That way you can get it to look brand new again and ready for the next time you use it.
In reality, you may just clean your oven more often with this quick and easy cleaning process.

Why Buy the Scrub Daddy Paste?
The after picture is quite the contrast from the start of the process. I am so happy with the results of using this cleaning product. It actually works, and my oven is super clean. So if you are interested or have thought about buying the paste, don’t hesitate because it really works.
I was a little hesitant to spend ten dollars on a cleaning product that may not work, but with these results, I am so happy that I did.
This paste does exactly as it says and more. It is totally worth the ten bucks.
Also, right after cleaning the oven, I used it, and there were no after smells from the cleaning process. I liked that I didn’t have to deal with the smell of toxic chemicals after just cleaning the oven. Even during the preheating phase, I didn’t have any chemical smell. It was a relief!

Oven Cleaning Done
Now that you have a clean oven, bake on and enjoy your food even more.
For more cleaning posts, check out this page too.
This post is all about how to use Scrub Daddy Power Paste.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,