Written By: Mel Childs
I love a clean home, and I’m sure you do too. Spring is the perfect time to organize and declutter your house.
Many of us focus on the obvious things that we should clean. But sometimes, it’s the not-so-obvious parts of the house that need our love and care.
This guide will help you clean those areas that most of us forget about to ensure that your home is squeaky clean this spring. These tips are beneficial if you plan to sell your house this spring.

Table of Contents
Start With the Bed and Bedding
Of course, I have to start here. After all, this is one of my major focal points on this blog. Since you spend a lot of time here – at least eight hours a night – it’s a good idea to make sure this is squeaky clean.
Start by removing all the bedding, including pillows, and wash them in the washing machine. You can use your favorite washing powder. But as an alternative or to add cleaning power to your washing powder, consider adding ½ cup of white distilled vinegar.
Vinegar helps get rid of stains, remove odors, and softens fabrics. When it’s time to dry, you can put your bedding in the dryer. Or you can allow the sunshine and wind to air dry your bedding outdoors.
As your bedding washes, you can turn your attention to the bed itself. One of the questions you should ask yourself before cleaning the mattress is, “how long have I had my mattress?”
If the answer is over eight years, you may want to go to the nearest mattress store and replace it instead of cleaning it. But if your mattress is still in good condition, you can gather your cleaning supplies and get to work.
Start by vacuuming the bed to get rid of any debris. Then continue the cleaning process by tackling the stains. You can remove stains caused by bodily fluids using an enzyme cleaner such as Spot Chomp or ForceField Mattress & Fabric Cleaner Spray.
Be sure not to use too much so that you won’t damage the mattress. You can also mix dish detergent and water and apply the suds to the stains as an alternative to enzyme cleaner. If you have a memory foam mattress, it’s best not to use liquid at all.
After letting these spot treatments dry, you can finish your mattress cleaning by sprinkling baking soda on it. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, and use the upholstery cleaner of the vacuum to remove the baking soda. This will help remove odors from your mattress.
Don’t forget to clean your headboards and rails, especially if you suffer from allergies. A simple Swiffer wipe will do for most surfaces. But if you have metal, you may want a damp cloth to clean them. Now place your bedding back on your bed for a refreshing, spring-clean feeling.
Clean Areas Where Dust Accumulates
It is so easy to forget these areas where dust settles. This happens because sometimes you may not be able to see it. Or it’s so gross that you don’t want to touch it. But the spring is the perfect time to get rid of the dust on these items to improve the air quality in your home.
A nifty way to clean the ceiling fan is to take a pillowcase and wrap it around the blades one at a time. Then, as you pull the pillowcase off the blade, allow the dirt and grime to drop into the inside of the pillowcase.
Another easier method is to use a Swiffer Duster to remove the dust from the fan blades. After removing the dust, you can wipe them off with disinfectant wipes. Don’t forget to dust and clean the lighting area, too.
Speaking of lighting, for lights that aren’t attached to ceiling fans, use a microfiber cloth to get rid of the dust. Then follow up with cleaning with a gentle detergent and water. Don’t forget about your chandeliers. Mix ¼ vinegar with water and spray them. Use a microfiber cloth to dry and polish them. Make sure that you keep the light’s off about an hour before cleaning.
Baseboards and crown molding can have spiderwebs, dust, and other gunk. Swiffer Dusters or a vacuum can help get rid of the dust and dirt. However, caked-on dirt is hard to clean, especially on baseboards.
To clean these items, create a mix of warm water, a little vinegar, and a gentle soap like Castile or dish detergent. Additionally, use a Mr. Clean eraser or a microfiber cloth. Avoid using too much of the solution. Instead, clean using a little of the solution in small sections.
Wipe Down Door Handles, Cabinet Handles, and Light Switches
Another critical area of the house to get squeaky clean in the areas you touch frequently. These include door handles, cabinet handles in the bathroom and kitchen, and light switches.
To clean these items, use a mix of water and gentle detergent. For the light switches, ensure that the light switch is off. Next, wipe these items down and follow with a disinfectant wipe. Avoid getting water or any other liquid into the buttons as they could create a fire hazard.
Don’t Forget the Kitchen Sink Drains
The kitchen sink is something you regularly clean if you still wash dishes in the sink. After cleaning, you likely wipe it down and disinfect it. However, one thing that you probably forget to do is clean the drains and the garbage disposal. Cleaning these areas helps keep odors at bay.
To clean and deodorize these, use a 1:2 ratio of baking soda and vinegar. Start by pouring down the drain or garbage disposal one cup of baking soda followed by two cups of vinegar. Let this sit for about 15 minutes. As this is sitting, boil a pot of hot water on the stove. Then pour it down the drain after 15 minutes.
An alternative to freshening the garbage disposal is to use peels of lemon, oranges, or other citrus fruit. Then, with the cold water running, turn on the garbage disposal and drop the peel in it.
Make Sure You Clean and Disinfect Garbage Cans
It’s very rare to think about the trash can. After all, it’s the place where trash accumulates. But keep in mind, old food, drinks, and other items can get inside, creating a ripe situation for bacteria and other harmful microorganisms to grow. So instead of replacing the can with another trash bag, consider washing it and disinfecting it.
It may be best to take this job outdoors. Start by wetting the surface with a garden hose and then adding a gentle detergent. You can add vinegar or bleach to the solution for deeper cleaning and disinfection. Next, you can clean using a sponge, scrubber, or microfiber towel. Once you’re satisfied with the cleaning, you can rinse it and let it air dry.
Keeping your garbage can clean will keep odors under control in your home and minimize the spread of disease.
When You’re Done, Enjoy Your Home
These aren’t the only cleaning tips you should use to clean your home this spring. But these are some great ways to ensure that you clean those easily overlooked areas.
For more cleaning tips, check out this page.
https://www.homedepot.com/c/ah/how-to-clean-a garbagedisposal/9ba683603be9fa5395fab90b93e46d3#:~:text=Sprinkle%20a%20half%2Dcup%20of,vinegar%2C%20use%20chopped%20citrus%20peels
Trash Can Cleaning Tips to Eliminate Pesky Odors
& Remember
Start with the Bed,