Know how to keep your house clean and tidy with this list of cleaning habits to maintain. It is easier than you think. Follow this list and you will really get the results you want. Your home is going to look great. This post is about how to keep your house clean and tidy.

This little list of items will really make a difference, and you won’t stress anymore about your home not being clean. As someone who loves to have a clean home, I get that it can be a very overwhelming process. I always have to remind myself that a home doesn’t have to be perfect. You still have to live there and enjoy actually sitting on the couch relaxing too.
With to-do lists everywhere, this list of ten tips will help guide your way and lead you to a clean home. The goal of these tips isn’t to stress you out or to give you more to do. All I want to do is to make your life easier by referring to this list of tips.
Personally, I use this list to keep my sanity and just focus on the necessities. I know I can’t get to everything every day, and that’s fine. I have learned to realize that perfection can lead you to feel defeated. That’s not the goal of keeping a clean home. This list is designed so that you feel accomplished when cleaning your home and that you can sit and enjoy your clean home daily.
This post is all about how to keep your house clean and tidy.
Table of Contents
How to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy
Start with the Bed
Of course, this would be my first tip. I really do believe that if you make your bed, you have a more productive and enjoyable day. Also, you could encourage the other members of your family to do the same.
I know my girls think it is fun to make their beds, and then pick different stuffed animals to put on them each day.
Take The Garbage Out Daily
Not only will your home be cleaner, but it will also smell better too. By taking out the garbage daily, you’ll definitely remove the stench, and the garbage piling up won’t overwhelm you.
Of course, be sure to separate and recycle what you can when completing this process.
For more ways to reduce waste at home, check out this post too.
How to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy
Keep Shoes at the Door
Another way to ensure a cleaner home is to just take your shoes off at the door. I know that my dad still doesn’t follow this rule, and it drives my mother crazy. He tracks dirt in all the time. 🙂 Not to worry dad, we still love you, just leave your boots at the door.
If this information doesn’t make you want to leave your shoes at the door, I don’t know what will.
I was never really worried about shoes at the door until I had kids. Then, I realized how much they are crawling and playing on the floor. Now, I see things completely differently.
Sort Mail and Packages As They Arrive
If you order a lot of different items online, then you will appreciate this tip. Once something arrives, take it out of the box immediately, put it away, and break down the box.
When the boxes start piling up, this can be a very overwhelming task. If you do this as they arrive, you will be less stressed by all of that packing material and the unpacking as well.
How to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy
Do One Load of Laundry Daily
Don’t spend your weekends in the laundry room. Just throw a load of laundry on when you get home or end your last zoom session.
I just sort my laundry into four different bins. I have one for workout/play clothes, dark dress clothes, light dress clothes, and towels. Once one bin fills, that’s the load that I throw in each day.
For more laundry tips, check out this post too.
Wipe Down Counters Regularly
Try to wipe down the countertops after you cook or bake. Be sure to wipe down the sink in the bathroom too. This makes for a cleaner home and eliminates the hassle of the build-up of crumbs and toothpaste.
Another tip for cooking or baking is to clean up as you go. This makes all the difference at the end of the night, too.
How to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy
Empty the Dishwasher Daily
Every morning, I empty the dishwasher, which I am trying to make this my husband’s chore. Anywho, that’s another problem. 🙂
In all honesty, this makes life so much easier. Once I get home, there are so many containers and water bottles to sort through that having everything out of the dishwasher is a time saver.
I empty mine while I am drinking coffee every morning. I know that doesn’t sound like a great time, but it pays off when it is 5 at night.
On a side note, unloading the dishwasher and folding laundry are probably my two most hated chores. I try to do both before the day starts.
Let me know if this tip makes your life easier too.
Use a Daily Shower Cleaner
Avoid soap scum and bacteria building up in your shower, by using a daily shower cleaner.
How to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy
Never Leave a Room Empty Handed
I feel like I’m just constantly running around my house picking up this and that. If that’s you too, then try to just grab something that you are going to need in another room or clothing off of the floor.
For instance, today, when I ran into the laundry room, I grabbed a paper towel roll for upstairs, and a light bulb for one that was out in another bedroom. By doing these little pick-ups, you can save yourself a lot of time. Plus, your home will be neat and tidy all the time.
On a comical note, once I read a sign that said something like, “How many people in your family pass up the items on the bottom of the stairs?” I am always placing items at the bottom of the steps so that I can quickly grab them when I go upstairs.
Ten Minute Evening Clean Up
Every night, try to just go around your main living space, and make sure that everything is picked up and put away. This makes your home look decluttered and put together. Plus, this is a great idea just in case you have early morning visitors too.
How to Keep Your House Clean and Tidy
Printable House Cleaning Checklist

Always Enjoy Your Clean Home
Now that you have this list down, enjoy your clean home each day.
For more cleaning tips, check out this page too.
This post is all about how to keep your house clean and tidy.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,