Learn how to disinfect wood cutting board easily with this step-by-step process. No longer will you worry that there are germs on your cutting board. These quick cleaning steps will guide you through this super easy process. Your cutting board will be disinfected in no time. This post is all about how to disinfect wood cutting board.

Do you wonder what might be living on your wooden cutting board? If so, then this might be the DIY cleaning product for you. With this simple cleaning solution, you will be able to disinfect and clean your cutting board in an all-natural way.
By applying this disinfecting spray, you can rest assured that nothing will be cross-contaminated. Afterward, you can use your cutting boards confidently.
Table of Contents
How To Disinfect Wood Cutting Board
Step 1: Gather Items
Gather your supplies. You’ll need a spray bottle, apple cider vinegar, a lemon, and water.

Step 2: Add the Water
Start this DIY cleaning spray off with a cup of water.

How To Disinfect Wood Cutting Board
Step 3: Add the Apple Cider Vinegar
Then add a cup of apple cider vinegar. It doesn’t matter what brand you use as they all will consist of the same ingredients.
So this is very reassuring when applying it to your wooden cutting board.
By the way, a wood cutting board is best to use as it does have the least chance of spreading bacteria. This cleaning routine is going to ensure that your board stays clean at all times.

Step 4: Squeeze the Lemon
Then, squeeze an entire lemon into the apple cider vinegar and water combination. The lemon juice does kill germs, and it is also a great deodorizer as it calms the strong apple cider vinegar scent too.
Thanks to my mother-in-law, I have this great lemon juicer.

How To Disinfect Wood Cutting Board
Step 5: Add to Spray Bottle
Then, add all of the ingredients to the spray bottle.
I always pick up these spray bottles at Target when I make a DIY cleaning product.

Step 6: Shake It Up
Then, shake up the cleaning spray. Once you shake it up, the cleaning spray will be ready to go.

How To Disinfect Wood Cutting Board
Step 7: Spray Cutting Board
Next, spray the entire surface of the wooden cutting board. It should be covered in the spray.
When you do this, you may just want to spray the cutting board while it is in the sink.

Step 8: Wait 20 Minutes
Afterward, be sure to wait at least twenty minutes before rinsing the board. This is a great time to catch up on a show or you could do one of these 5 minute cleaning tasks too.
How To Disinfect Wood Cutting Board
Step 9: Rinse with Water
Finally, rinse the board with water.

Step 10: Dry Completely
Dry the wooden board completely, and enjoy using it.

One Clean Cutting Board
Now that you have disinfected your cutting board, enjoy using it without worry or concern for any germs.
For more quick cleaning tips, check out this page too.
This post is all about how to disinfect wood cutting board.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,