These easy perennials for full sun are beautiful and easy to maintain even for beginners. Be confident that you will be successful with these selections. They are all gorgeous, and they will all keep returning year after year. If you love the warm weather and the flowers that go with it, you’ll love this list of perennials. With each flower, you will see what zones are best and when to water these flowers as well. This post is all about easy perennials for full sun.

Below you’ll find a list of perennials that are great for full sun, but not only that, they are easy for beginners in the garden too. After only a year or two of gardening myself, I am still scared to branch out and fail. It isn’t easy gardening, but it is definitely doable. It gives you a creative outlet and a great reason to get out of your house in the sunshine.
I think I picked up gardening because it gave me a little me time, but at the same time, I didn’t have to go too far. Thank goodness, my kids are great nappers! Plus, during the pandemic, I started researching different flowers and seeing which ones might work where I live. I knew that I needed to keep busy, and that’s when I started to love gardening. I don’t know whether it’s the results or just the process, but I love learning about different plants and flowers.
Don’t get me wrong, I still stumble through conversations with established gardeners. It is a little intimidating once the conversation takes a higher level, but I always appreciate any advice I can get. I haven’t had anyone laugh at any of my questions yet. I’ll keep you posted on that though.
Last year, I emailed back and forth with a few gardeners who shared their secrets and visions for their gardens with me. After planting more annuals last year, I now know that I want to stick to more perennials. You keep gardening and you learn and more often than not, something grows.
I feel like I have had more success with flowers than with my vegetable garden. Thank goodness for the Farmer’s Market every week because last year, I couldn’t grow a tomato! It took forever for them to turn red, and it was a bit frustrating. I am going to give it another go this year with much lower expectations.
Anywho, I could go on and on about my vision and my failures in gardening, but for now, browse the list and let me know if you decide to go with any of these perennials.
This post is all about easy perennials for full sun.
Table of Contents
Easy Perennials for Full Sun
Perennial vs Annual
Don’t know this one. That’s not a problem. I had no clue when I first started there were differences in when flowers bloom and if they come back. I love perennials because they seem more practical, and I love anything that makes life a little easier.
A perennial lives for many years and has flowers every year. On the other hand, an annual grows for one season. It is very common to have mostly perennials, and then some annuals sprinkled throughout all of the blooms.
What Does Full Sun Mean?
The flowers and plants will need to be in the sun for at least six hours each day. The front of my house is full sun. There are some bushes that shade my flower beds slightly. For the most part, I like to plant full sun flowers.
What Zone?
Use this site to find your exact garden zone.
Autumn Sage
This plant is gorgeous, and it is super low maintenance. If nothing else, this plant or better yet perennial will always look good.

Zones: 6-9
Water Requirements: 1″/week
Blackeyed Susan
These are a classic and a gardening must for newbies especially. I like to plant these in front of everything else.

Zones: 3-9
Water Requirements: when soil is dry
This particular shade is just so sweet and beautiful. Looking at all of these beautiful flowers makes me wonder why I live somewhere I shovel snow. 🙂 I guess I wouldn’t appreciate them as much, and that’s why I don’t.

Zones: 3-9
Water Requirements: when soil is dry
Day Lily
For a splash of color, these day lilies are the way to go. I haven’t tried this myself, but I do plan on adding this one to my garden beds. I think that they will add a more summer-like feel to the beds.

Zones: 4-9
Water Requirements: when soil is dry
Easy Perennials for Full Sun
I can’t tell you how many times I have just stopped and admired the beauty of hydrangeas. I haven’t tried these yet, but this year, I am taking the plunge! Can’t wait! The texture of this perennial is stunning.

Zones: 3-7
Water Requirements: watered 3/week
These plants are a little bit moody. They like when the soil drains well. That can be an issue, but I decided to plant one last year, and it did well. Plus, it smells wonderful. I love hints of purple in the garden beds. On a side note, purple is my favorite color, so lavender is a must!

Zones: 5-8
Water Requirements: do not let dry out
Easy Perennials for Full Sun
Shasta Daisy
Shasta daisies couldn’t be prettier, and they brighten any garden with their constant blooms. One of the ladies I ran into this summer at a nursery suggested that I grab one of these. I was so glad that I did. I couldn’t believe how easy it was to take care of and how beautiful it was either.

Zones: 4-9
Water Requirements: at least 1″/week
Of all flowers, these are just gorgeous! I love sunflowers and look to plant these this summer as well.

Zones: 4-9
Water Requirements: at least 1″/week
Years of Beautiful Blooms Ahead
Now that you have this list of perennials, enjoy your beautiful flowers.
For other posts on gardening, check out this page too.
This post is all about easy perennials for full sun.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,