Check out these cleaning motivation quotes to get the ball rolling and the cleaning started. Sometimes, a good quote can change your mindset and get you the results you want sooner than you thought possible. These little cleaning quotes are a few sayings that I have used throughout the years to keep up the cleaning motivation. I’ll let you know why I like each one and why the quote is motivating. This post is all about cleaning motivation quotes.

Let’s be honest, sometimes cleaning is the last thing you feel like doing. It can be the dreaded chore in the never-ending list of to-dos. With these little sayings, you will find the spark you need to start cleaning.
As an English teacher, I love a good quote! Of course, these quotes are not from my favorite books, but that’s for another post.
Anywho, check out these phrases, and see if any of them help you out and get you to start the cleaning process. Don’t judge me too much for liking to browse a few good quotes to clean and to organize. 🙂
This post is all about cleaning motivation quotes.
Cleaning Motivation Quotes
One might ask, why do you need to read cleaning motivation quotes? Well, for me, I enjoy having a little spark to keep the ball rolling or better yet, the vacuum moving. I like cleaning my house for the end result, and sometimes it is hard to see the end results when you don’t want to start. I get that. It can be rather overwhelming. Of course, by the end, you are going to not only have a cleaner space, but you will live in the environment you deserve.

Of course, this quote goes first. If you just start with the bed each day, you are going to feel more productive and ready to take on your to-dos. This makes a huge impact on your mental health as well. If you start your day by completing a task, you are going to be more positive and more productive.
Just make your bed and start the cleaning process. Once you have your bed made, you can move onto your next move in your cleaning routine. It really does help. I like to start the bedding process while cleaning all the other areas of my home. It is an easy way to start getting more done when the laundry is on while I am vacuuming or cleaning up the kitchen.

With this quote, I think of a cluttered home office or a messy bedroom. If you clean the office, you might be able to think more clearly and give yourself room to see what you really need to do.
I know that I struggle to stay focused when my desk at school is covered with papers or post-its. Of course, sometimes it happens, but when the items are placed in their spots, I do get more done.
Also, when your bedroom is a mess, it can definitely affect your sleep. It might give you anxiety when you go to bed in a messy room or put you in a bad state of mind.
So go ahead, clean up your bedroom and enjoy tonight’s sleep so much more!

This quote is so true! This doesn’t just work with your clothing closet, but really all closets too. Have you ever purchased something and then, a few weeks later, found that exact thing in your closet? This has happened to me so many times.
I’m sure everyone has heard of just “shop your closet.” This process can actually be fun, and you’ll save money not going out and purchasing new clothes. So shop your closet, and find your next go-to outfit.

If your home is clean, all will be happier. This means that no one person should clean the house, but all must help maintain it. Try not to take on every cleaning task by yourself. Instead, make a list of what needs to get done daily, weekly, and monthly, and delegate these to-dos.
When you come home to a clean house, life just seems more manageable and less overwhelming for everyone.

Organizing comes to mind with this cleaning motivation quote. When your home is neat, all items have a designated area in your home. This makes for less time wasted and more time enjoying what you like to do.
I’m sure all of you have misplaced your keys or wallet, but having this happen consistently with every single item can be exhausting. By taking the time to get your items in order, you will enjoy each moment instead of being annoyed that you can’t find what you need.
Of course, misplacing items happens, but this quote is motivation to lessen the frequency.

I love this quote, and I should live by this more often. There are some items I over purchase. I love winter coats and nail polish colors, and I am guilty of overbuying Christmas decorations. I would definitely save closet space if I had less coats.
Let’s be honest, everyone has a few things they love buying, but when you are constantly trying to buy extra storage space or think that your house doesn’t have enough space, you might need to declutter these items. It isn’t easy to part ways at times, but in the long run, you’ll have less stuff and less worry.

Sometimes it is difficult to get started, but you will never regret cleaning your home. If the result is worth it, you normally do not regret it once you get started. This can be true for so many things in life, and cleaning is definitely one of them. There is nothing better than sitting on the couch and relaxing in a freshly cleaned home. So think about this one when you just can’t get the motivation anywhere else.
A Quote or Two?
Now that you are motivated, enjoy your clean home.
For more cleaning tips, check out this page.
This post is all about cleaning motivation quotes.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,