Cleaning a wallflower plug in can be easy with this quick process. With a few simple cleaning supplies, your plug in will be back to normal quickly. I have had my plug in for about eight months, and it was finally deserving a deep clean. The messy sticky stuff that comes out of the sides is gross and happens within time. I am not sure why this happens, but it is super annoying. This post is all about cleaning a wallflower plug in.

Do you love your wallflower plug in from Bath & Body Works? If so, I am sure that you have run into this issue of the sticky gross stuff that starts appearing after 6-8 months of use. It is disgusting, but the good news is that you can clean it, and save the plug in.
With so many great fall scents coming out at Bath and Body Works, you can get your wallflower plug in in shape for the season.
This post is all about cleaning a wallflower plug in.
Table of Contents
Cleaning a Wallflower Plug In
Step 1: Gather Your Materials
For this cleaning process, you’ll need rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, and toothpicks.
Step 2: Take the Plug In Out
Then remove the plug in from the outlet.
Step 3: Remove the Plug In Container
Next, remove the plug in refill.
Step 4: Clean Bottom with Cotton Swab & Rubbing Alcohol
Then, clean the bottom of the plug in by dipping and cotton swab into rubbing alcohol and wiping the container out. Depending on the amount of sticky matter, you might need 10 cotton swabs.

Step 5: Clean the Top with Cotton Swab & Rubbing Alcohol
Then, clean the top of the plug in with a cotton swab. You can clean around all of the holes, and then, you can poke each whole with the swab and swirl the dirt right out of the container.

Step 6: Clean All Creases with Toothpick & Rubbing Alcohol
Then, for all the creases in the wallflower, use a toothpick to get into those tiny little spots. You can dip the toothpick into rubbing alcohol beforehand.

Step 7: Allow Plenty of Time to Dry
Once you have cleaned out the plug in, let it dry for at least twenty-four hours. There is nothing scientific about this, but I would just feel better about plugging something in that was cleaned after at least a day.
Step 8: Plug It In
Then, plug it back in, and enjoy the fresh-smelling scents.

Pleasantly Clean Plug In
Enjoy your clean wallflower plug in.
For more cleaning tips, check out this page too.
This post is all about cleaning a wallflower plug in.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,