Are you looking to clean your oven and finally see some results? If so, these 5 simple steps will guide you through the process.
Even though this may not be your most frequently completed chore, it will make a significant change in a few aspects of your life.

Table of Contents
Why Should You Clean Your Oven?
Reason 1
To clean your oven leads to lower energy costs, and who isn’t trying to save on energy costs? By removing all of the grease and grime, your oven won’t have to work overtime to prepare your delicious dishes.
Reason 2
Also, cleaning your oven will actually improve the quality of your food and how it bakes. Using a clean oven will allow for an even distribution of heat and therefore your cake will bake perfectly.
Perhaps after you clean your oven, you will be able to enter into cooking competitions. Then you can boast that your recipes are phenomenal, but really that your clean oven is the secret ingredient. (only in a cleaner’s dreams)
Reason 3
On a more serious note, if you clean your oven, you will also lessen the chance of having a fire or a catastrophe from all of the grease and bacteria that build up inside of it.
When I first moved into my home, I had so much cleaning to do that I honestly neglected the oven. Now that I am regularly cleaning it, I can say that it definitely does make a difference. Regularly as in, I clean my oven once every 3-6 months.
With these five steps, you will easily be able to refer to this post time and time again. You will then clean your oven, and move on to bigger and better things – like red velvet cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies!

STEP 1 – Yes, the SHOP VAC!
Get out that powerful orange machine, you are going to use it yet again. Yes, this machine is fantastic! You can easily use it to clean up all of the crumbs and burned particles in your oven.
The sound of the clean up of those disgusting pieces of what used to be food will be an invigorating start to this process.
Make sure that your vacuum lid is secure so that the particles don’t end up all over your kitchen. Be sure to use a shop vac for this process as it is meant for these types of messes.
STEP 2 – Apply the Cleaning Cocktail
With this cleaning cocktail, you will need to use 4 cups of baking soda (2 small boxes), 1 cup of white vinegar, and 1 cup of Dawn Antibacterial Dish Soap.
Yes, this makes more than your typical cocktail; however, you will use this not only on your oven but also on your oven racks.
Add 4 Cups of Baking Soda 1 Cup of Vinegar 1 Cup of Dawn Antibacterial Dish Soap Use a spatula and a brush to coat your oven.
If you really make too much, then you could use it on your cookie sheets too. Nonetheless, I used this entire concoction. If you noticed the picture of the dirty oven above, you probably understand why I used all of this solution.
Maybe you are a bit more mindful of your dishes and they don’t drip and burn on the bottom of your oven. I just don’t have that talent.

After evaluating my process, I would probably use a simple paintbrush to apply the method, but a spatula and small barbeque brush will work just fine as well.
Make sure to cover all parts of your oven expect for the heating elements.
Also, place your oven racks on old towels and cover them with the cleaning mixture as well.

How long should you leave it on?
Once you do apply the solution, shut the oven door and do not try cleaning it off for at least 3 hours. You could leave it on longer if you would like to do so. It will not mess up the cleaning process.
Also, leave the cleaning mixture on your baking racks for 3 hours as well.
STEP 3 – Brillo Pads & Baking Racks
Timer’s up! After 3 hours, first, clean off the baking racks. You can take them to your tub, your kitchen sink, or leave them on the old towels for the wipe down and cleaning finale!
Using a Brillo Pad, scrub the solution right off and then wipe off the racks with water or run water all over them in your kitchen sink or tub.
If you do have a pull-down kitchen faucet, this will really come in handy to clean these baking racks off. If not, no big deal, your tub or just the water and cloth will work too.
STEP 4 – Clean Off the Oven Paste
Wipe down the entire oven with a wet cloth.
During this process, do not use your best towels. Use towels that you do not care about or put out for decor. These towels are about to be stained – perhaps permanently.
You are going to be shocked at the disgustingness that comes off of your oven walls.
Also, make sure that you thoroughly clean off the entire oven and remove all of the cleaning cocktail.
STEP 5 – Clear the Air
Now, most people won’t be this honest, but your oven is surprisingly going to smell awful after you turn it back on after this process. Yes, I am telling you when you turn that oven back on, your stomach might sink as you think that you ruined that precious oven in the heart of your kitchen.
No fear, it is completly normal for the oven to smell after a deep cleaning because once you turn it on your are essentially burning all of the products you used to clean it in the first place.
So in order to fix this smell of a burned robot, simply place a pyrex dish in your oven with a cup of lemon juice, 6 cups of water, and a thin layer of sprinkled cinnamon.
Bake this little number for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees and you will be thrilled at the smell and happy with the results of your newly cleaned oven.
Steps & Supplies Simplified
Use this printable list to easily clean your oven and check out other printables here.
Clean Oven – Bake Your Next Dozen
To conclude, your oven is now clean and you can start preparing your favorite cupcakes or that dinner dish you just found on Pinterest.

Bake on my friend and enjoy!
& Remember
Start with the Bed,