Does panic set in when you have to quickly clean for guests? Are you unsure of where to start? Do you agonize about what your guests may think? Your worries will be put to rest with this quick how-to guide to clean your home efficiently. This post is all about how to clean for guests.

Without a worry, you will happily greet your guests at the front door knowing that your home is clean and organized. By following this cleaning process, your home will be clean and your mind will be at ease.
With these quick steps, you will be more than prepared to conquer those go-to spots quickly. In fact, you won’t waste time cleaning and preparing for company anymore.
Moreover, if you are excited to have company over, but dread cleaning, the following guide will surely give you a sure-fire method to the madness.
This post is all about how to clean for guests.
Table of Contents
Clean for Guests
Declutter Entryway for Guests
For the first step, start where your guests enter your home. If this is normally a dumping ground for shoes, keys, mail, sunglasses, and more, find a space for these everyday odds and ends.
Perhaps, this may be a time when you think about reorganizing this space, but of course, do this when you have time to think it through. Avoid trying to be a super cleaner here. Just do what you need to do to have a successful visit with your friends and family.
For now, just separate and conquer the clutter in the entryway.
For example, you could place your sunglasses in the car, keys in a container, or on a hook by the door. Then, take a clip or a folder and store the mail pile temporarily in the closet to deal with it later.
So many times, you find that you may have had all of this time to prep for the company. Then all of a sudden, you are trying to fix the mail from six months ago during this ‘quick cleaning.’
Then, one thing leads to another, and you think, oh I have five minutes to fill out these warranties too. Needless to say, one task after another and you haven’t showered and you smell like cleaning products when your guests arrive.
To avoid this from happening, just say no to all of these extra cleaning tasks and issues. Furthermore, stay focused on the clean for guests concept.
Remember, you are cleaning so that you can enjoy your company, and you are not cleaning for a house inspection. In fact, I realize this is easier said than done, and I do need to repeat this line to myself at times too.
Clean Kitchen Area
When you walk into a clean kitchen, what comes to mind? I know my first thought when I walk in the door after my husband has made lunch while I am out…smudge marks on the fridge and crumbs all over the counter…dishes in the sink.
Sorry did I say that out loud? Yes, it’s true these three areas are always the problem in the kitchen. The appliances, the counters, and the sink are going to be your go-to spots to clean quickly.
Also, clean off your countertops by using a quick sponge or a soapy washcloth to really get all of the crumbs and to see a sparkling finish.
Next, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and wipe down the sink with one of these best kitchen sponges.
With these three areas in tip-top condition, you could move onto the next task or pull out your trusty Swiffer Wet Jet for a quick mop too.
Overall, your kitchen looks fabulous, and now it’s off to the bathroom.
Clean The Bathroom
Oh, the bathroom! What a love-hate relationship I have for this room! It is probably the smallest room to clean, and maybe even the fastest, but it is practically impossible to keep this room spotless all day every day.
So I discuss this quick cleaning process for the bathroom in another post as well, but the mirrors, the toilet, and the sink should definitely sparkle to ensure that guests feel that they are in a clean environment.
First, start by spraying the mirror and the sink down.
Next, move to the toilet. You could use Clorox Wipes to ensure that you get the entire surface area. Then be sure to take a wipe to the surrounding floor area as well. Let’s face it, that area can just be plain disgusting.
With these two rooms completed, you could stop here, and your house would look clean to any guest who may arrive.
Empty The Garbage
For those of you who are still in the cleaning mood, you could follow the next few steps as well.
For a home that really looks well kept, take out the garbage in every room. Not only will your home smell better, but you are guaranteed not to have to do this annoying task while your company is over.
With the garbage outside of the house, you have eliminated the stench. Plus, you can cross that chore off of your to-do list.
Clean for Guests From Their Perspective
Once you have the bulk of your cleaning done, touch up other areas of your home if you have time do so.
For instance, I hate when I have people over, and I look up to just see a ton of dust and grime all over my dining room lights. I think wow, I haven’t cleaned that area in a while.
So perhaps take a moment to sit on the couch. Once you are sitting there, take note of anything that looks really out of place.
Maybe you notice the napkins that are stuffed into one corner of the couch. Also, you see the remotes that look like they were dipped into a deep fryer. These my friend are the areas that guests may just notice.
Nonetheless, remember that you are having guests over who you enjoy spending time with. So will they judge you if your house is not the cleanest, no, but they may stay longer if it is. 🙂
Clean Home Scent for Guests
Lastly, the smell of a clean home is priceless. With a few quick tricks in place, your home will smell amazing!
For starters, you could light your favorite light-scented candle in your kitchen area. Also, you could put out a candle warmer in the hallway with a warm welcoming scent.
Additionally, in the bathroom, you could use an electric air freshener or one of these odor-eliminating small space air fresheners.
Who doesn’t love a fresh scent? Your guests will feel welcomed and truly enjoy their experience in your home.

Greet Your Guests
Lastly, the time has come to open the door for your guests. Greet your guests knowing that your home is prepared to welcome your friends and family.
Your prep work is done, so be sure to enjoy these moments of joy!
This post is all about how to clean for guests.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,