Clean baseboards with fabric softener, and you will no longer dread the chore. This simple cleaning process is a sure way to remove the dust and dirt and to keep it away a little longer than usual. Doesn’t sound like a bad idea? Well, grab that fabric softener and follow these quick steps for fabulous results. This post is all about how to clean baseboards with fabric softener.

After spending some time cleaning over the holidays, I realized just how disgusting my baseboards were. I thought, I need to make that quick cleaning spray and get the boards looking new. What if someone comes over with a white glove and checks? 🙂 People can be just so judgemental. Of course, I am kidding, but in all honesty, your home looks so much cleaner when your baseboards are dirt and dust free.
Since both of my girls have asthma, I don’t use fabric softener anymore, but I do have it in the laundry room. Of course, our laundry room isn’t that well insulated, and my softener was a little frozen when I went to make this cleaner. Nothing like the cold of winter to freeze even the fabric softener these days.
Anywho, the fabric softener really helps clean the boards, keep the boards clean, and it smells so good too. So if you have some extra fabric softener to spare, check out the steps below to get started.
This post is all about how to clean baseboards with fabric softener.
Table of Contents
Clean Baseboards with Fabric Softener

DIY Baseboard Cleaning Spray
Soap and water does work, but this DIY baseboard cleaning spray makes your life easier in the long run. It will keep dust off your baseboards longer, and therefore, you won’t have to do this chore as often.
Step 1: Start with Fabric Softener
Just start making this cleaner by adding four ounces of fabric softener to the spray bottle. I used Downy, but you can use whichever brand you prefer or have on hand already.

Step 2: Add the Water
Then, add twenty ounces of water to the bottle.

Step 3: Shake It Up
Shake up the bottle, and you are done making your baseboard cleaner! It couldn’t be easier.

How to Clean Baseboards with Fabric Spray
Step 1: Spray the Baseboards with Fabric Softener Spray
Then, spray down the baseboards with the cleaner.

Step 2: Wipe Off with Cloth
Using a cleaning cloth, wipe down the boards. Having this solution in the bottle makes this process easier and allows you to go through your home on your own schedule.
If you don’t have time to do every room at once, you can do this cleaning process when you have the time.

Does Fabric Softener Stop Dust?
Fabric softener does keep the dust away as it has antistatic properties, which helps keep the dirt away longer. If only we could just coat everything in Downy?
Well, really you could also use this spray if you have static clean or just need a quick fabric refresh.
Spray it on your throws for a little scent booster too.
The Cleanest Baseboards Around
Now that you have the cleanest baseboards around, enjoy the cleanliness.
For more cleaning tips, check out this page too.
This post is all about how to clean baseboards with fabric softener.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,