Enjoy this caramel applesauce cake with every single bite you take. This heavenly treat is easy to make and quite the sweet treat. Your friends and family will surely enjoy this as much as you will. Create this recipe within ten minutes. This post is all about a caramel applesauce cake.

Do you love caramel? Did you just love applesauce as a kid? Well, if these two foods seem to appeal to you then so will this delicious caramel cake.
Not only is this recipe so delicious, but it is also so easy to make.
After trying out a few different cake ingredient combinations, this 5 ingredient recipe works the best. My Aunt Susie and I discussed the best options to make sure that the caramel went into the cake perfectly.
At first, I wanted to have chunks of caramel throughout the cake, but it was just too tough to chew through the caramels. It made me worry that someone might need to go to the dentist immediately after eating it. So, with this recipe calling for caramel syrup, you have nothing to worry about. The caramel is so creamy in this cake recipe.
This post is all about a caramel applesauce cake.
Table of Contents
Caramel Applesauce Cake
Step 1: Preheat the Oven
Start this recipe by preheating the oven to 350°.

Step 2: Add the Cake Mix
First, add in a yellow cake mix to the bowl.

Caramel Applesauce Cake
Step 3: Add the Applesauce
Mostly, you are going to follow the ingredients listed on the cake mix box. The only exception is going to be the applesauce substituted for the oil. Use a 1/2 cup of applesauce instead of oil. I used cinnamon applesauce, but you can use plain or even unsweetened.

Step 4: Pour in the Milk
Instead of using water, you can use milk. You can use any milk that you have in your fridge. We only had whole milk, so I added in one cup of whole milk. It makes for a moist cake that all we love.

Caramel Applesauce Cake
Step 5: Crack the Eggs
Next, crack 3 eggs and put them into the bowl of ingredients.

Step 6: Mix It All
Mix it all together. You could use your KitchenAid mixer, an immersion mixer, a wooden spoon, or a whisk. I just love using the whisk. Here is a great OXO whisk you can buy on Amazon. It is also easy for Sadie to use a whisk when she is helping with these quick and easy recipes.

Caramel Applesauce Cake
Step 7: Drizzle Caramel
Drizzle caramel syrup all over the cake batter. Then, I just used a chopstick to swirl it into the batter. You could also use a skewer or a knife to do the same thing.

Step 8: Bake That Cake
Your oven should be ready to bake this sweet cake for thirty minutes. Around twenty-eight minutes, monitor it just in case it might be ready. I always test it out with a toothpick.

Step 9: Cool & Ice
Once the cake cools, ice the cake with cream cheese frosting. It is just so delicious!

Printable Recipe for Caramel Applesauce Cake Recipe

Enjoy Every Bite
Now that you have successfully baked this delicious cake, enjoy every single bite.
For more quick and easy recipes, check out this page.
This post is all about a caramel applesauce cake.
& Remember
Start with the Bed,