Use these 5 easy ways to prepare for the cold and flu season. These tips are of course not a guarantee, but they will definitely help lower the chance of germs getting into your home.
Of course, there are going to be moments when germs enter your home one way or another. Like the other day, we were driving home, and I heard this squeaking noise in the back.
Low and behold it was Tessa chewing on her SHOE! Yes, the shoe that was at daycare. The shoe that had been who knows where that day. YUCK!
So let’s just get it straight, these are best practices and ways to limit the germs and to do so in an efficient manner.
Let there be fewer used tissues in your future!

Table of Contents
1. Disinfect that Wheel and those Keys
Leave a container of disinfecting wipes or a bottle of disinfectant spray and paper towels in your car to wipe down your steering wheel, handles, and frequently touched buttons.
Along with that note about disinfecting your keys, you can also get a CleanKey, which is a new tool to use to touch buttons and open doors wherever you go. It is especially helpful when getting gas and running errands.
2. Shoes to the Side Please
Leave your shoes outside of your house if that is an option. You can utilize your front porch or your garage as a hosting center for your shoes.
Shoes are just yucky. Let’s face it shoes are ALWAYS in direct contact with the germs and dirt all day long. It is just best if they don’t enter your home. If they do, wait a few days to bring them inside.
Just for peace of mind, you can spray your shoes with Lysol or another type of disinfectant to try to eliminate some of the germs of cold and flu season.
3. Be Mindful of Your Bags
As a lover of a wonderful bag that can carry it all, I had to set my fashion sense aside to some extent, and I decided to purchase a few washable options.
Okay, so why use a washable bag option? What would be the point of all of this? Okay, well let’s just think of the path of your bag throughout the day.
When you leave your house, your bag is touching a ton of various surfaces. Just think – some of these surfaces are the store counters, the floor under your desk, the car floor where shoes go, and so on.
The bottom line is that your bag is carrying around germs. While it might look fabulous, it is a breeding ground for the not so pleasant.
If you purchase something that is washable, then you can swap your bag out and not stress about setting it here or there, knowing that you have another reusable one for the next day.
4. Sing a Song and Scourer Your Hands
As numerous reminders are present, we are washing our hands several times a day. To ensure cleanliness you need to be singing while scrubbing for at least twenty seconds to remove all of the germs.
My daughter Sadie has decided to ensure the twenty-second washing by singing the ABCs. So needless to say, we have heard that one quite a few times. Anywho, pick the one you really like and sing away.
Also, keep those nails shorter for less room for germs to go and to grow!
One more handy tip here, if you are looking for a nail polish to last through all of this washing, try these Sally Hansen items to ensure a fresh look that lasts through the constant soapy scrub. The polish dries in a minute flat and then the topcoat gives it extra life!
Also, check out the moisturizers to avoid constantly dry skin.
Personally, I am the worst at keeping my hands moisturized. So for a reminder to use creams and lotions, I place a moisturizer nearby the sink to use after washing my hands.
5. Add More Items to Your Cart
Yes, this is not a typo. Add more items to your cart each time you are making regular purchases.
In previous months, there has been a shortage of the essentials and now that there is a better supply, kindly stock up on items.
These items will aid in cleaning your home and removing the germs during the cold and flu season.
You can do this by purchasing a few rolls of toilet paper and paper towels or another disinfectant spray every time or every other time you pick up an order.
For more on cleaning products, check out another cleaning product post here.
In Conclusion
I hope that these 5 ways allow you to remove the germs before they enter your home and to toss fewer used tissues into the wastebasket.
Be well and stay safe my friends!
& Remember
Start with the Bed,